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Dissecting Metatron's Cube

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

If you ever took a biology class in high school, it is likely that dissection was part of it. Perhaps you dissected a frog? The reason we dissect anything is to better understand how it works. The first step in dissection is to open whatever you are working on. When you do that, you expose what is concealed, what is hidden from the outside. You also begin to see the internal structure that creates the whole thing. In this case, most likely a frog. Once you begin to identify the internal components of the subject you are working with, you grasp a better understanding of how it all works together to create a functioning wholeness.

We can gain deeper understanding of Metatron’s cube by dissecting it. When we open it up and expose the inner structures, we begin to understand how it all works together. That is our objective, a better understanding of how it all works together. That is a significant perspective, because many simply view the two-dimensional image of Metatron’s cube and do not understand that it represents the seen and the unseen all combined, the universal force, not an overpowering force, but an energy that can create in any way you choose. Metatron’s cube is a building block for all that exists in our world, a template. Yet, most people still see Metatron’s cube as a flat, two-dimensional piece of artwork.

There are five very distinctive polygons within Metatron’s cube. We refer to them as the Platonic solids. This is where we will begin our dissection. I have created five short videos that identify where each one of the Platonic solids is within the cube. I assume that many of you already can identify some of them. The dodecahedron and the icosahedron tend to be a little more difficult to find. I’ve included all five videos in this blog.

Metatron’s cube is drawn using a technique called three-point perspective. Shapes drawn using three- point perspective have three perspectives, length, width, and height. This gives the illusion of being three dimensional even though they are drawn on a two-dimensional surface. I talk more about this in the videos.

The tetrahedron is perhaps the easiest shape to see. Look for a triangle. There are several of them within Metatron’s cube. Most of the Platonic solids have at least two different size images of them. Go ahead and watch the first short video and you will get a better understanding of what I mean. Click on the link to discover the tetrahedron in Metatron’s cube.

The second Platonic solid is the hexahedron, or cube. The face of the cube is a square. There are two of these in Metatron’s cube. One is actually inside of the other. Together they make up a tesseract. The tesseract will be discussed later. The three-point perspective of the hexahedron is easy to see. In this video I focus on the smaller hexahedron. Click on the image to be taken to the video.

The third Platonic solid is the octahedron. There are at least two of these also. The faces of the octahedron are triangles. In this video, I focus on the larger octahedron. It makes sense that the smaller figures for any particular shape are towards the center of the cube and the larger figures are more towards the outside of the cube. Because of the three-point perspective, only four of the faces of the larger octahedron are visible. Click on the image to be taken to the video.

The next Platonic that I work with in the videos is the dodecahedron. It has twelve sides and each side is a five-sided pentagon. It is probably the hardest of the Platonic solids to see in Metatron’s cube. There appear to be two dodecahedrons within Metatron’s cube. I am going to focus on the smaller one in this video. Again, because of the three -point perspective, only half or six of the faces are visible. Click on the image to be taken there.

The final Platonic solid in Metatron’s cube is the twenty-sided icosahedron. Each side is a triangle. There again appears to be two different sized icosahedrons within Metatron’s cube. In the video I focus on the larger image. Interestingly enough, the larger icosahedron can be drawn from two slightly differently perspectives. I picked the one I like most to work with. Either perspective would have been fine. Only ten of the faces are visible. Click on the image to be taken to the video.

I hope you have found these short videos to be worthwhile. I am going through each one of these two-dimensional shapes in order to show how they are drawn in three-point perspective. We are moving to a more accurate representation of Metatron’s cube as a three-dimensional figure. It probably has a fifth-dimensional shape also, but that is beyond the scope of this discussion.

My intention with these short videos is to show the richness of Metatron’s cube. Each one of these Platonic solids is capable of movement. They move nested within each other. The movement generates energy and it is the variation in movement that creates different levels of energy which that cube is then able to express.

The next set of short videos show how to construct the Platonic solids using a modestly price kit I found on Etsy on the internet. It you are interested in having a set of the Platonic solids for yourself, then be sure to watch the next two videos.

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