“Metatron's cube, a building block for all that exists in your world, a template. You see it here as a macro image containing five distinct polygons. What you don't see is the movement, the rotation of each and every one of them".
We need to visualize Metatron’s Cube in three dimensions in order to understand the movement of the Platonic solids within it. This movement is key because it creates the energy within Metatron’s cube. Here is a 3D image of Metatron’s cube.
It is much easier to visualize the movement of the Platonic solids within this 3D image. I have just published the next chapter, “Chapter 7 - The Energy within Metatron’s Cube”, in my new book, Metatron’s Cube – A Working Model . In this chapter I discuss the amazing energy potential that is within Metatron’s cube. This untapped energy is unlimited. Click here to be taken to my Kindle Vella page.
Kindle Vella is a new service offered by Amazon. It allows the author to publish their book one chapter at a time and allows the reader, you, to read the book one chapter at a time. The first few chapters for each book are free. How is that for being risk free? Click here to be taken to my Kindle Vella page.
Give my new book a try. As I mentioned, the first few chapters are free.
New chapters are on the way!