The cells of your body need a healthy loving home environment to grow and develop in. Let me suggest that you are the parents, both the father and the mother, of the more than 37 trillion cells that are in your body. Your cells not only grow inside you, but they develop over time just as human children do. If you truly saw your cells as your children, you would surely want to provide them with an environment where the air is clean and the food is nutritious, where they feel safe and secure, where they feel loved and cared for.
If you are a parent of human children, you no doubt work hard to provide your children with a home life that promotes their well-being. Think of all the things you do to create that loving home life. You provide your children with food, with clothing, with a roof over their heads. You provide an environment where they can feel safe and secure. You monitor their health and provide remedies for them when they are sick. You send them to school to learn so that they can grow into young adults who will eventually be able to provide for themselves. And many of you look after their spiritual needs.
Consider how we establish a home environment where our children feel safe and secure. We give them reassurance that they can count on us, that we will be there for them. We tell them with words and we show them with our actions that we love them. We comfort them when they feel stressed and out of sorts. We look after them when they are sick providing them with proper medical attention when it is required.
How do we create a similar safe, loving environment in which our cells can develop? Actually, it's quite similar to how we create the environment for our human children. Just as we monitor what our children eat to make sure it is healthy and providing them the nutrition that they need, we should be as diligent in monitoring what we consume which ultimately becomes what our cells consume. If we are not eating healthy, our cells are not eating healthy.
Our cells are connected to our own thoughts and beliefs. When we feel stressed, our cells feel stressed. When we feel unsafe, our cells feel unsafe. And naturally when we feel unloved, our cells can feel unloved. All of this can lead to an environment that is stressful for the millions of new cells that are created in our body every day. We know that prolonged stress leads to illness.
Let's consider again the proposition that each and every cell in your body has consciousness. Some scientists describe the known universe as being fractal in nature. I won't attempt to define what fractal means other than just saying big things and small things are very similar. When we consider processes that go on within a single cell, they are very similar to the processes of the human body. Each cell metabolizes raw materials, what we might call food, and produces proteins among other biological products that are then shared either within the cell itself or throughout the entire body.
The cells also breathe in a matter of speaking as they process oxygen to create energy. They also have an elaborate network of communications through which they communicate to, in some cases, quite distant cells within the body. Another process within the cell is the elimination of waste products which again is a significant bodily function. And perhaps most importantly, all cells are involved in reproduction.
It seems to me that there needs to be some level of consciousness that is directing all of these very sophisticated processes within each and every cell. This notion of consciousness in every cell is very important when it comes to health. As I mentioned in my last blog, I believe that all dysfunction and imbalance is an attempt by the body to communicate, to be the voice for the cells. So, if we address the imbalance or the dysfunction at the cellular level, are we addressing the symptom or are we addressing the cause? My suggestion is that if the cells are healthy, then the body is healthy.
I mentioned stress as a key contributor to poor health earlier. Stress is very often the result of our beliefs and our beliefs impact our emotions. What stresses you and what stresses me may be two entirely different things but they both result in stress. So, a good way to keep our cells healthy is to evaluate our beliefs and ask ourselves if they are increasing stress or reducing stress. There are other factors like emotional imbalance, negative thoughts, poor diet, lack of exercise, addictions, etc. that can lead to a less than desirable environment for our cells to develop in. This is not the place to delve more deeply into those contributing factors.
The entire point of this blog is to challenge you to think about those over 37 trillion cells in your body as your children whether you have human children or not. Think about the environment in which the millions of cells which you create each and every day are developing in. What can you do to provide your cells with the best possible environment to learn and to flourish in?
We all have limiting thoughts and beliefs about the world around us based upon our life experiences. Our cells are conditioned by those same limiting thoughts and beliefs. What if you believed that you are more then what do you think you are today? What impact do you think that might have on your cells in helping them to create balance and harmony? What if you challenged yourself to open up your limiting beliefs about yourself? I wonder how your cells could benefit from that shift?
How can you be a good steward for the earth, if you are not a good steward for your body? You may have heard it said that you can't truly love someone else until you love yourself first. Perhaps we can't truly clean up our planet until we clean up our individual world within our body!
In my next blog, I'll start sharing ways to help clean up our internal environment.